Monday, January 24, 2022

Blog #2: The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS)



       The Supreme Court of the United States can also be known as (SCOTUS) and is the highest federal court in the United States. During the video, it stated something that I wasn't really familiar with, which is that the Supreme Court's power is based on public faith. After the video I was still a little confused on what this meant, so I did some extra research after and this is the link that really broke down and helped me understand what Public Faith meant. The U.S. Supreme Court was established in 1789 under Article three of the U.S. Constitution and held its first meeting on February 2, 1790. I was also unaware of how many Supreme Court justices we have had over time, the video stated that there have been over 100 justices that have served for over 16 years. The picture that I have placed above is the outside of the U.S. Supreme Court today.


   The most important takeaway point about the Supreme Court is the different roles, all of the people who play an important role in the court, how they are appointed, and how their final decisions are made. There are nine Supreme Court Justices who are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. What surprised me the most was how long it can take for the court's new ruling to come out and how many different individuals it has to go through before it gets approved. One way that the video and article changed the way I thought about the Supreme Court is that you can't rush their process because, at the end of the day, a decision that they make could change something drastically for every single one of us in the United States and we want them to be able to make a decision that will be beneficial for us in the end, and they have done this with many known cases such as; Mapp v. Ohio and Roe v. Wade, etc. The image above is of the first individuals to serve in the Supreme Court when it was first established, and the second image is our current Supreme Court Justices.

    Since I am a Criminal Justice major, I find what happens in the U.S. Supreme Court to be very interesting, and the way that they described the feeling of presenting a case in front of the Supreme Court Justices, makes me want to be able to present a case in front of them one day.

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