Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Blog Post #1: My Top 5 News Sources

 For many of us reading or watching the news can be so boring, but if you find something that's interesting to you that can change. These are my Top 5 News sources that keep me in the loop of what's going on in our crazy world, but also keep me up to date on the things that I am interested in.



ABC 11

Growing up I would spend almost every weekend with my grandparents, and they loved to watch the news every morning and when they got off. This sort of turned into a thing that I began to do with them because it began to turn into something I also became interested in. ABC 11 was one of the first news channels I watched at an early age, and it created interest for me about what was going on around me whether it was locally or internationally.



The older I got, and I began to find what things interested me, I wanted to learn about other interesting things and broader topics that were going on around the world such as politics. While I was in middle school I took a class and every day we would watch an episode of CNN to see what was going on in the news for the day. This began to turn into my go-to for news because the energy that the newscast gave made it even more interesting to watch. Not only did they have such positive energy, but the information was so engaging and it was so easy to understand anything they were discussing. This is why I enjoy it just as much today.

WRAL news will always be in my top 5 when I want to find out about anything locally because I live in Raleigh, NC. Whenever I am at home with my family and we want to get the latest news on COVID in our area or we want to get updates about bad weather that is coming our way, WRAL is the first news station that we turn to and watch as a family. Even now with me being away at school and I want to see what's going on back home I will get on my phone and go to A lot of people don't really like to watch it or would prefer to watch another news station, but it keeps me in the loop about anything that's going on at home and I am able to know what's going on even when I'm not there.


      Apple News

I know that this may seem very common, and some people just ignore the notifications when they pop up on their phones, but apple news can be very valuable. I say this because you may need to know something that is going on right then and there, and all you have to do is pull up the news app on your phone, and it gives all of the breaking news. I think the best part about apple news is that it doesn't just come from one source, but there are other news sources on there as well so that you are getting more than one perspective on something. I like to use this myself because it is simple, fast, and easy, and it instantly notifies me when something big in the world is happening.


One of my favorite social media apps but also one of my top news sources is Twitter. Not only is it a social media platform, but it is also a news platform. I like to use Twitter as my news source because it gives all of the breaking news whether it's dealing with your favorite music artist, favorite sports player, favorite sports team, health, or even what's going on in the political world. It can give you news on any category you want to know about. If you are someone who isn't really interested in following the news but like to stay up to date on the hottest trends, then Twitter is the place you should go.

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