Sunday, February 13, 2022

Blog #6: The Evolution of the Little Blue Bird (Twitter)

The Evolution of The Little Blue Bird

Over the last few years twitters, users have grown exponentially! For years I knew so many people that had a Twitter and I never knew exactly what it was, so I thought hey! If I don’t know what it is and what it is used for then I don’t need it. But weirdly after all my friends were using it and I started to use more social media I decided to finally make a Twitter and ever since I guess you could call me a Twitter addict!! Twitter was founded in 2006 by 4 individuals named, Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, Evan Williams, and Noah Glass. Being able to learn about the history of Twitter in class was just so fascinating to me. For starters, I had no idea that it was called Twtter before it was called Twitter and I thought that was the most interesting fact. I think it’s cool that one little bird could be so popular and could attract so many people to one little app. Additionally, the first tweet ever made on Twitter was by the co-founder Jack Dorsey stating, “Just Setting up my Twitter”. Since that one little post, Twitter has evolved into one of the most popular social media apps. There have been 1.3 billion Twitter accounts created and there are 145 million daily users, and I am most definitely one of them.

 Whether it’s to just scroll down my feed and see funny videos, find posts that can relate to how feeling at that moment, or even to get the latest news on the hottest topics. But one of the things that I love the most about Twitter is that you find people who can relate to you every day. There could be something that you are going through and you might think it’s the worst thing in the world and that no one else is going through, but then you go on Twitter and you see that someone has been through the same thing and gives advice on the situation or someone is going through the same thing in that exact moment and it can just make you feel 10x better and for that reason, Twitter has been my #1 go-to app since I was a sophomore in high school. I know that Twitter has helped me in some ways so I’m interested in knowing how it may have helped others as well.

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