Saturday, February 5, 2022

Blog #3: 8 Values of Free Expression


#3: Stable Change (aka Safety Valve)


The first value that I thought felt most important was the stable change. Stable change also known as safety states that individuals who are allowed to vent or speak their minds, will more likely be more stable, and less likely to resort to violence. I thought that this was important because, although I don’t condone any type of violence being a young African American woman, I can understand why some people are pissed off or might turn to violence. We see so many of our kind being beaten down or shot and killed, and we have a right to be upset. I have brothers, I have a father, I have uncles, and I have cousins.
 Being a part of the Black Community these are the ones we think about when thinking about the killings of George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, and more. Being a member of the Black Community the first thing we think about when we hear those names is that could have been my brother, my father, my uncle, or cousin. But most importantly they are my kind and we will do what we have to do to fight for our community and get justice. Thankfully, we have the leaders of the 
Black Lives Matter Movement, who can bring us together and have peaceful protest so that our voices are heard rather than just turning to violence. 

#4: Individual Self-Fulfillment(aka Self-Actualization)

The second value that I found important because of how it resonates with me was individual self-fulfillment also known as self-actualization. Individual Self-Fulfillment is known as free speech that can help an individual generate their own identity and express their beliefs or their opinion. I thought that this was most important to me because growing up my mother has always told me to speak my mind and not to care what others may think. I have also been taught that I have my own mind and that I shouldn’t agree or go along with something just because others agree with something. Having your own thoughts, beliefs, opinions, etc. is what truly makes you, YOU. Although I think that this was a positive thing for me, there are still individuals who may think that their beliefs or opinions don’t matter. There are also others who don’t realize that there are some things that you just shouldn’t say because it may be hateful or even others. Here is an article that I found that breaks down and explains the difference between free speech and hate speech, the purpose of each, and who it can affect.

#5: Check on Governmental Power

Lastly, but not least the one that I believe we see in action today is Check on Governmental Power. This is very important for society today because this is what allows us as citizens of the U.S. to speak on or criticize the government when we feel that they have taken advantage of their power. Here is a video that explains what separation of powers is, how it is broken up, and what checks and balances are. The Video states that “each of the branches has the power to limit or check the other two, which then creates a balance between the three separate powers.” One thing that has been in the media and deals with the check on governmental power is the COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The government trying to enforce these mandates is considered an abuse of power because as we have discussed in class, the government CAN NOT tell you what to do with your body. Here is an article I found which explains why the federal government does not have the power to put in place a vaccine mandate. However, state law for individuals in that specific state is more likely to happen because of the power of the state to pass a law for the “public good”.

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