Sunday, February 13, 2022

Blog #5: OKAYYY... BUT WHY WAR??

            WHY WAR AND NOT PEACE?? 🤔

When thinking about the war I don’t think that anyone is a fan of it because it doesn’t really solve anything in my opinion. I personally believe that it creates this ongoing cycle of violence towards countries. I have also never been one that has looked into the different wars that have occurred over time, it can be very overwhelming because at the end of the day thousands of innocent people including kids are killed because of it. However, ANTIWAR and The American Conservative have kind of made a way to portray the war and make it a little less overwhelming to read about. Both websites have so much information about what is going on behind the scenes so that we can stay in the loop. We need more individuals whose views are so strong about the war to make more websites like this because as citizens of this country we deserve to know the truth, and the government never wants us to know the truth about what’s going on behind the scenes. I still find it very weird that I have never seen these posts or heard about these websites until now, but as we have discussed in class before, the government tries to keep us from seeing certain things when they know that they have not been truthful, and I most definitely think that this is one of those situations. I am glad that we have those individuals who stand up to the government, but if something were to happen because they put something out that wasn’t supposed to be seen, we as U.S. citizens have to make sure that stand behind them because they put themselves at risk for us.

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