Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Blog #7: Privacy, Online & Off

Privacy, Online & Off 

After watching the TED Talk by Catherine Crump about being tracked by street cameras, or by the automatic license plate readers that police officers have on their cars was honestly very shocking to me. But I have always wondered how anyone could be driving and following the law, but still get pulled over because they may have a warrant out for their arrest, or their license have been suspended. I find it very uncomfortable that street cameras can just scan anyone’s license plates and be able to keep the information and watch our every move. 

But, at the same time, I’m not surprised. I can understand that sometimes they may need this data for AMBER Alerts, or to find someone after committing a crime, but it should be used just for those purposes. Any use other than just stated is a serious invasion of privacy. Why should they be worried about what an average person does every day, like going to pick up their kids, going out with friends, or even going to get some food. I would think that keeping all this unnecessary information would cause an overload and shut it down.

I don’t think it’s fair to try and create an image of someone based on information that was received by the breach of someone’s privacy. I mean how can you really create an image from someone based on that. This could be a huge factor in why so many innocent individuals are found guilty, but it is unfair to try and make someone look like a criminal when you only have one tiny piece of a puzzle that is incomplete. It’s scary to know that there could be photos of yourself somewhere in the police database of you just doing your normal everyday things, and it’s even scarier that these images could be turned and used against you

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